Alwin van Kuijk
Alwin's story with Fine Tune Audio began in 2020 when he was deep into his Sound Design studies in Leeuwarden. This was a time for him to master the details of Audio Engineering and Production, setting the stage for his future work.
In 2021, during his second internship at Fine Tune Audio, Alwin discovered a new interest. Beyond the audio tasks, he found he also loved the business side of things, such as organizing, project management, and R&D. From that point, his role wasn't just about audio; he also took on tasks that would help Fine Tune Audio grow.
"I'm always keen to learn new things, and Fine Tune Audio is the perfect place for that. Each day, I get the chance to challenge myself and build new skills. I love the mix of audio work and business tasks, and it's this combination that really drives me and helps Fine Tune Audio thrive."
-Alwin van Kuijk, Audio Engineer